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Pizzeria Uno Filing for Bankruptcy - Gothamist: "Pizzeria Uno Filing for Bankruptcy
012010uno.jpg Great, first that place The Smith came along and knocked Pizzeria Uno out of the East Village, then the one on Sixth Ave and 8th Street closed last week. Now the whole goddamn plane has crashed into the mountain: Uno Restaurant Holdings Corp. is filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Last week Uno closed 16 'under-performing' restaurants, but the company's marketing guy swears the bankruptcy filing is a good thing, because its restructuring will eliminate a 'burdensome' debt load. You know what else is burdensome? Food snobs' condescending attitude toward Uno's mouth-watering deep dish delicacies. Just because it's a sinister corporate chain doesn't mean it can't be deliciously evil. Go show you're support at one of their remaining NYC locations today!"